Project Wild America Youth Ambassadors 2016
Hi all! It’s been a while since I last wrote…there has been so much going on! First, let me catch you up a bit on what is coming up for this summer. I’m admittedly sharing things a bit out of order, as I have lots to tell you about our how well our hemlock woolly adelgid surveys went, the wrap up of our snowmobile cell phone tour, another recent publication, winter raptor surveys and a great winter season with some fantastic interns. I’ll be writing about all of these things shortly, so please stay tuned! Spring is upon us now, and we are looking ahead and setting goals for our summer...
Read MoreGreater White-fronted Geese
Here’s a very cool bird sighting for Western New York! Kim Sherwood sent us these record photos of at least 29 Greater White-fronted Geese flying west/northwest over the Conewango Wildlife Management Area late yesterday afternoon. We typically find one or two of them mixed in here and there, but seeing a whole flock is a great sighting as the species heads back to the tundra for the spring. Thank you, Kim! Maybe if you’re out birding today you will be able to find them somewhere…
Read MoreHWA Survey Season
Once again it’s that time of year to brave the cold for conservation sake! That’s right, the season for surveying Eastern Hemlock trees (Tsuga canadensis) for the presence of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae) has officially begun. Commonly referred to as HWA, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid is an aphid-like invasive insect that specifically attacks species within the Tsuga genus. Within the United States, four species of hemlock exist: Western and Mountain hemlock in the Pacific Northwest and Eastern and Carolina hemlock throughout the east. Each of these species are fair game for...
Read MoreHot Election Day
It’s November…right? It could be snowing right now! Instead we are pushing 70 degrees in Jamestown with it currently in the mid 60s in western New York. Here we have the temperature departures from the 1981-2010 30-year average, the current hourly temperature, and the stations in the warmest 10% vs. the 30-year data. Enjoy it while you’re heading out to vote on this lovely Election Day. Graphic via Penn State Dept. of Meteorology
Read MoreParticipate in Nature at Your Fingertips
Are you getting excited for winter and the beautifully snowy landscape? We are still preparing our “Nature at Your Fingertips” winter trails tour along with other cell phone tours, and we hope in the coming weeks and months you will be participating in and enjoying them. More information will be coming soon.
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