Flicker Feather
This feather is another find from exploring the outdoors this weekend with my dog Zach. The number of birds with long yellow feathers around in the autumn or winter seasons is relatively short, and it looks like a Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus). Roger Tory Peterson saw this brilliant flash of gold in a flicker’s wings and it helped inspire him to change the world. What always makes me use my imagination is thinking about seeing a deep red explosion coming from a Northern Flicker bursting from the ground. The red-shafted forms fill the American west, and someday I hope to go see...
Read MoreNeon Glow
These leaves have a neon glow! Taken before the rain and wind of the last couple of days eliminated a lot of our fall foliage until 2016, the trees have been hauntingly beautiful as we approach Halloween. What a fiery feel to the landscape. Please remember that if you can leave the leaves where they fall it is better in all regards. It will save you time, possibly money and perhaps a sore back. It will help the environment locally and globally, saving unnecessary pollution (leaf blowers to trucks hauling them away) and making your yard look all the better as a natural fertilizer. Yes, it may...
Read MoreYellow Autumn
Even on the gray and cloudy days of late October there can still be plenty of bright yellow light reflected throughout our landscape. The brilliant golden hues reverberate through our forests as one last hurrah before the beginning of winter grabs at our region. Will we be retaining some of this implied warmth thanks to El Niño? It may be a record-shattering season for the Pacific Ocean which could mean we see above-average temperatures. This can actually spell more snow than usual if the Great Lakes remain open and if the jet stream steers major low pressure systems up the East Coast,...
Read MoreFall Pond
Make sure some of your Sunday is outside enjoying the end of the fall foliage season. It is hard to imagine ponds like this one could be covered in ice in a couple of months…
Read MoreAutumn Leaves
There have been a lot of bright pink autumn leaves to go along with the lemon yellow painted on the trees during this fall foliage season. The past week has yielded some gorgeous October weather. If you look a little closer you may end up seeing something other than a leaf flying off in the breeze – that is a Yellow-rumped Warbler flitting between the trees, one of millions on the move right now. Migration started strong again last night behind another cold front, and it should continue through the weekend. Good birding, and good autumning! Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach...
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