Butter Butt
The Yellow-rumped Warbler, or “Butter Butt” as we can see here, is one of the few warblers you can see here in December. While the leaves have left the trees the Yellow-rumps may still be around in warm areas such as coastlines, wooded wetlands and ponds, heated urban areas or places like sewage treatment plants. They are one of the only bits of yellow you can find in the winter season, and while hanging out here in our neck of the woods through the cold temperatures and snow is certainly difficult, at least these birds avoid the peril of a prolonged migration.
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This Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata) was sitting in the shade while feeding and soaking in the shades of this stunning fall foliage. The sunlight left a vibrant glow of leaves on the bird’s feathers showing us the definition of autumn beauty.
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There have been a lot of bright pink autumn leaves to go along with the lemon yellow painted on the trees during this fall foliage season. The past week has yielded some gorgeous October weather. If you look a little closer you may end up seeing something other than a leaf flying off in the breeze – that is a Yellow-rumped Warbler flitting between the trees, one of millions on the move right now. Migration started strong again last night behind another cold front, and it should continue through the weekend. Good birding, and good autumning! Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach...
Read MoreYellow-rumped Warbler
This is the all too rare photo of a Yellow-rumped Warbler without any yellow or rumps involved. We certainly have a lot of red and some blue to highlight the drab but stately shades of this individual Setophaga coronata, one of many millions of the species on the way south right now. Perhaps a few will decide to stay into the winter in a patch near you.
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This Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata) was hiding from me, but thankfully we are still at the part of the season without too many leaves. In another week it will be much harder to see little friends like this one. The massive push of the butter butts is coming to an end as we diversify the warbler species visiting our yards. We already have some cool photos of more to show you! Stay with us… Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
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