White-eyed Vireo
The White-eyed Vireo (Vireo griseus) was high on the list of spring targets for me this year, as I have not had a good look at the species in quite some time and I certainly did not have any decent photographs of one. That sentence was past tense because I recently accomplished this mission. I certainly feel as though I can do better, but considering its behavior, the weather conditions, location, and time of day, I was happy with what I got. Can you tell why they are called White-eyed Vireos? This uncommon (at least in our region) species is often relatively elusive despite being...
Read MoreCinnamon Hummingbird
This is a Cinnamon Hummingbird, a dry forest specialist, as photographed by RTPI Affiliate Sean Graesser who has now returned to Costa Rica for tropical research and more of his absolutely stunning photography. We will certainly keep sharing much of his gorgeous work there with you this month to keep any winter doldrums at bay.
Read MoreYellow-rumped Warbler Portrait
The Yellow-rumped Warblers have now mostly departed, but this recent individual allowed for a close portrait while doing some midday dining.
Read MoreField Sparrow
The Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla) is an underrated little bird! Look at that bold eye ring and those beautiful brown tones with a pretty pink bill. Whenever I see those Fields in numbers in October it always suggests we are nearing the end of autumn avian migration. If we are lucky we may be able to spot one or two overwintering in the region, perhaps on a Christmas Bird Count, but most will be seeking less snowy quarters so they can enjoy easy to reach seeds all winter long. Nevertheless, if there aren’t any fields, grasslands, farms or other open areas – or if these habitats...
Read MoreGray Hairstreak Butterfly
Looks at a Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus) don’t get much better than this as recently photographed on this Cardinal Climber flower.
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