Camera Blunders
During this time of the year, when bird migrations are happening, salamander eggs are growing and plants are budding, it doesn’t take long to kill a camera battery from lots of activity. And once that battery is dead, it doesn’t do any good when you are headed into the field once again! I discovered on Monday morning as RTPI Alex Shipherd and I were headed up to the Chautauqua County-Jamestown Airport, that my camera battery was done for. Alex’s camera was ready to go, and I at least had my phone and we took our field scope with as well. As you can see, we found Eastern...
Read MoreEastern Meadowlarks (Sturnella magna) by Twan Leenders
We had over 80 Eastern Meadowlarks with likely hundreds present at the Jamestown Airport in mid-August! It is a very important migratory staging area for many grassland bird species.
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