Dandy Dandelions
Come on, what’s wrong with the dandelion anyway? We call it a “weed” but it’s a pretty, tiny yellow flower. What could be so distasteful about that? These flowers end up as important early season nectaring and pollen plants for bees, a place for lepidoptera larvae to grow and feed, and our birds eat it. You can even eat this nutritious plant, too! Every bit. Not that you may want to unless you know what has been going in and on your lawn… Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MorePalm Warblers Arriving
After the Pines come the Palms, and we now have some tail-wagging Palm Warbler friends filling up our farm fields, grasslands, and other open areas. It is only a week or two until the avian migrant floodgates open! Hard to believe it is that time already…what species are you most looking forward to seeing or adding to your life list? I have said it before, but I mean it this time – crack open those Peterson Field Guides and get your study on now! Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreKilldeers Return
The Killdeer, one of the loudest and most visible late winter/early spring returning species, is moving north rapidly now. As you will likely hear soon enough…they’re back!
Read MoreRed Fox Entering Snowy Den
I had a split second to raise my camera, aim, and shoot at this Red Fox on Wednesday before it quickly darted back into its den. I included the first photo of it looking at me despite the fact I unfortunately focused on the grass that covered its eye, bah! If my aim had been a fraction of an inch to the side, or that one blade was not in the way, I would have been a very happy man. That is the nature of…nature…photography when you often do not get a second chance for a great shot. Nevertheless, I loved the red and brown colors of this animal contrasting against the still...
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