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Posts Tagged "hawk"

Fighting Osprey

Posted on Nov 24, 2015

Fighting Osprey

I recently came across this old image of mine and had to share the story with everyone. RTPI President Twan Leenders and I captured this injured female Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) on June 28, 2010 after she was reported by concerned citizens as unable to fly on Bridgeport, Connecticut’s Pleasure Beach near her nest site. She had dislocated her left shoulder when being battered by a tornadic supercell thunderstorm a couple days earlier. The storm moved over the barrier beach after a tornado had touched down in the city minutes earlier. She was successfully rehabilitated and later...

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Gray Ghost

Posted on Nov 19, 2015

Gray Ghost

The past week yielded a very large push of migrant Northern Harriers throughout the Northeast, with a sizable percentage of these birds being gray ghosts – adult males – like this one. The strong north and northwest winds following this current cold front should help many more migrants come through our area in the next few days. Will there be more southern and western November rarities with them? Probably, so keep an eye out for everything from the Swainson’s Hawk to the Townsend’s Warbler. Don’t forget we are only a couple weeks away from December 1 and the...

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Hawk Walk

Posted on Oct 16, 2015

Hawk Walk

Last Saturday the Aspetuck Land Trust held its second fall “hawk walk” of the season at the Trout Brook Valley Conservation Area in Easton/Weston, Connecticut. I tagged along to help find some birds and talk about the wonderful land, wearing my hat for both RTPI and as a member of the Aspetuck Land Trust Land Management Committee. I also happen to love the property and, along with RTPI President Twan Leenders, helped initiate and create a conservation and management plan for the site several years ago. In the below photos you can see federally licensed bander Larry Fischer, a...

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Cooper’s Hawk

Posted on Oct 13, 2015

Cooper’s Hawk

I have been posting many photos of migrant songbirds lately, and here is one of their predators – the Cooper’s Hawk (Accipiter cooperii). This raptor of the forest is an extremely agile and talented flier, able to navigate through thick woodlands in pursuit of prey. You may recognize them from your yard as they are frequent bird feeder guests, targeting hungry passerines. They seem to be less adept at capturing prey in open areas like this one, unable to fully utilize their maneuverability and relative speed as they do in more dense habitat to surprise and outwit songbirds. This...

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Radar Migration October 1, 2015

Posted on Oct 1, 2015

Radar Migration October 1, 2015

Here is an impressive view of the eastern United States just after midnight today, October 1, 2015. The precipitation we can see south of New England over the ocean and into the Mid-Atlantic and south is from a cold front that passed through yesterday and is now nearly stationary. It allowed migrant birds to take to the air on subsequent strong northerly winds. However, this front will creep back to the west, and we do not yet know what Hurricane Joaquin will do to the east coast. It will most likely thread the needle between an Atlantic high and a coastal low, moving into the Mid-Atlantic...

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