Lyme Disease Sign
Here is a terrific educational notice that I enjoyed seeing on the wall during a recent veterinarian visit with my dog. Using artwork created by children to help teach the public educates both the visitors and the children who are creating it. We use the same outreach techniques in the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds with signs drawn by hundreds of school children which we then laminate and post on beaches and offshore islands to let beachgoers and boaters know there are endangered birds nesting in the area. We certainly see less damage to them than other more generic, bland and...
Read MoreLyme Disease
I have Lyme disease. Thankfully most people have now heard of Lyme disease, but for those who have not, Lyme borreliosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria of the Borrelia type and transmitted to humans (or pets!) by a black-legged/deer tick bite and subsequent feeding by the parasite. It typically takes 24 or maybe 36-48 hours of feeding for the disease to be transmitted if the tick is a carrier, though this is not a guarantee either direction. Lyme disease can cause flu-like symptoms nearly immediately, and if untreated they can be followed by severe headaches, joint and muscle...
Read MoreLyme Disease bullseye rash
Recognize this? If you ever have a “bug bite” that feels warm to the touch and seems for all the world to be like a mosquito bit you…except that it doesn’t itch or feel painful…you should watch it very carefully and be ready to head to the doctor. This is the beginning of the classic Lyme Disease bullseye rash from the bite of a Deer/Eastern Black-legged Tick. The rash will continue to expand and in my case it ended up spanning my entire thigh. You’re lucky if you have a rash as many people do not get one. Twan and I have both had Lyme Disease when living...
Read More“Fight a Bite!”
Below is the Chautauqua County “Fight A Bite!” brochure created by the Chautauqua County Department of Health & Human Services Environmental Health Division to educate the local public about reducing our risks of mosquito or tick bites that can lead to serious illness. You can also open the full-size PDF version by clicking here and save it if you like. The brochure provides information on ticks and mosquitoes, repellents and how to use them, tick removal techniques and general safety information. I recommend reading over it if you live anywhere in the Northeast as it...
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