Camera Blunders
During this time of the year, when bird migrations are happening, salamander eggs are growing and plants are budding, it doesn’t take long to kill a camera battery from lots of activity. And once that battery is dead, it doesn’t do any good when you are headed into the field once again! I discovered on Monday morning as RTPI Alex Shipherd and I were headed up to the Chautauqua County-Jamestown Airport, that my camera battery was done for. Alex’s camera was ready to go, and I at least had my phone and we took our field scope with as well. As you can see, we found Eastern...
Read MoreBirding Weekend
This weekend is going to be a beautiful one, for all of those that are thankful we don’t have snow yet anyway! There’s no better time to grab your binoculars and scopes and take an adventure to see what birds you might find. While out earlier this week, we came across some Hooded Mergansers floating across this wetland area. It won’t be long before the area is inundated with all sorts of waterfowl, birds of prey and hopefully some snowy owls! Enjoy the warm weather and happy birding! Elyse Henshaw Conservation Technician
Read MoreSnowy Owl in Dunkirk, New York
This tremendous photo of a Snowy Owl at Wright Park Beach in Dunkirk, New York was taken this morning by our friend Gale VerHague. She used a basic point and shoot camera showing how easily we can safely photograph these birds from a distance thanks to a good zoom, especially if you have a scope. Giving them space is important so that they can rest during the day and hunt at night – in this case, likely waterfowl on Lake Erie. It is all the more necessary when, as Gale told me, birds like American Crows have honed in on the raptor as they were harassing this individual. Please try to...
Read MoreLive hawk watching
Live from the Boothe Park Hawk Watch on lovely and perfect day for raptor migration…except for the total lack of clouds! That means we can’t see much but we have seen 14 Bald Eagle migrants and 10 more local birds with a lot of visitors stopping by, learning about hawks and avian migration.
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