Piping Plovers Return
They’re backkkkk! The Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) have returned to Connecticut in the past couple of weeks. This individual was resting at Sandy/Morse Points in West Haven yesterday. Many of our sandy beaches have them dashing around after insects and aquatic invertebrate food along the water as they begin to claim territories and form pairs. There are more birds yet to arrive this spring, but our work in the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds is well underway seven days a week right now. Please email ctwaterbirds@gmail.com for instructions on how you can become a U.S....
Read MoreString Fencing Dates – Volunteers Wanted!
Volunteers needed! Want an excuse to come bird with us and CT DEEP on the beach this April? Here it is… String fencing and signage erection dates for Connecticut beaches in spring 2016 are as follows and we need all the volunteers we can get! Wednesday, April 6th, 10:30 – Long Beach, Stratford Meet at the far west parking area. Monday, April 11th, 10:00 – Sandy/Morse Points, West Haven Meet in the parking lot. Friday, April 15th, 10:00 – Bluff Point, Groton Meet in the parking area and CT DEEP will shuttle people out to the beach. Remember that any and all volunteers...
Read MoreSnowy Away
This is about the best photo of a Snowy Owl that I could get in the last couple of weeks. They have been elusive, to say the least, even when nearby. Most of that time I have encountered the far more wary individual – one of two hanging out for the winter in the Stratford Point area – and it has been certainly as jumpy as ever lately. On Tuesday it was chased off by crows before anyone noticed it hunkered down in the grasslands. The shot here is the result of it flying off last week before I could even raise my camera between the door and body of my Jeep from hundreds of feet...
Read MoreAAfCW Training Completed
On Saturday, March 12, the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds (Audubon Connecticut and the Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History), the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection completed successful training sessions for many of our fantastic past and new volunteer shorebird and tern monitors. Our collective staffs welcomed nearly 80 volunteers to Stratford Point, and thankfully we may end up near 100 regular monitors for the 2016 season. These citizen scientists and educators will hit the beaches come April,...
Read MoreVolunteers Needed! Shorebird Monitoring 2016
The Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds 2016 monitoring and stewardship season is about to begin! Please see the USFWS news release below for details, and please pass this along to any new volunteers you feel would be interested in joining us. We hope all our past monitors will be returning this year after yet another record-setting season in 2015. We can only keep this success going with your help! Spend your summer days at the beach and help protect a federally threatened species! The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and its partners are seeking volunteers to monitor piping plovers and...
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