Thunderstorm Sunset
One can never be completely certain what Mother Nature will produce. As a weather nerd and wannabe meteorologist I will steadfastly defend the meteorological community while correcting anyone who unfairly besmirches it and believes we have “no idea” what the conditions will be on any given day. Advances in knowledge and technology have allowed us to predict hurricanes, snowstorms, and even tornado outbreaks well in advance to save countless lives. However, the process is not perfect, and small-scale features can be slightly off producing a massive shift in actual weather...
Read MoreGadwall Sunset
I photographed this spectacular sunset last week at Stratford Point while attempting to give it a number of different looks by changing lenses and positioning. A friendly Gadwall felt a little less friendly once it saw me approaching the water, but you can still see the duck behind the spartina in the first photo. That spartina is slowly regenerating and growing in to the intertidal zone, helping to protect and preserve the low energy side of the site from tidal and wave action. There are still plenty of pools for long-legged waders to feed in on small fish like sand lance, and there are...
Read MoreJuly Sunset
Here are a couple sunset photos from last night at Stratford Point as we were on duty providing some fireworks coverage here in Stratford, Milford and West Haven for the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds. You can see the reef balls in the distance along our dune and spartina growth in the intertidal zone. We had a couple Black-crowned Night-Heron visitors appropriately join us just after darkness fell on the site. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreRadiant Sunset
This radiant sunset is from last weekend at Stratford Point while overlooking the grasslands and soon to be pollinator meadows. It will be a very exciting year for the property as it is continually improved and studied by Audubon Connecticut, Sacred Heart University, site owner DuPont, and RTPI. We will be helping birds, insects, marine life, mammals, and so much more with multiple thrilling projects to hopefully talk about more in-depth soon. If I didn’t hate waking up at 5AM I would go snap a sunrise shot, so let’s pretend this is the rising light on a site that is about to...
Read MoreMarch Sunset
This March sunset greeted me with some heat last night featuring stunning colors filling the western horizon…come on, how can you not want to get outdoors and love these lengthening days?! Be sure to get some fresh air this weekend. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
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