Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea)
We don’t get to see too many Little Blue Herons foraging up close in a neighborhood pond on a spring day in the northeast…
Read MoreWhite-eyed Vireo (Vireo griseus)
Have you seen a White-eyed Vireo (Vireo griseus) this spring or are you lucky enough to have a nesting pair where you are? This guy is giving it his all to find a girl…
Read MoreScarlet Tanagers video and photos
Following up on the Blackburnian Warblers another bright beacon in the forests of the eastern United States and Canada is the Scarlet Tanager. The bold, “bloody” red of the male is almost too much for a camera like mine to focus on. Handling so much color is difficult even for the most advanced technology and our own eyes do not usually get the opportunity to glimpse them. Though we rarely get to see too much of these canopy dwellers but here are a couple photos and HD video of cooperative birds I have been lucky to enjoy up close. If you hear an odd-sounding American Robin with...
Read MoreBlackburnian Warblers feeding and video
One of the most spectacular warblers in the world is the Blackburnian Warbler (Setophaga fusca). They are truly gorgeous little creatures and thankfully here in the Chautauqua-Allegheny region they are abundant in migration and nesting seasons. I have been delighted to see and hear so many of them in the past month, and I am looking forward to spotting them in our neighborhoods, yards, parks, state forests and other preserves until the fall. Twan had this individual in Allegany State Park earlier this month. They are fireballs flitting around our forests in their bright spring colors. Here...
Read MoreThe unique American Woodcock
American Woodcocks (Scolopax minor) are so very unique. They are shorebirds that live in the forest, foraging in the leaf litter, or old fields. They take flight in astoundingly graceful courtship displays each year around this date on the calendar when the evenings begin to warm up. As you can see in both this photo and the subsequent videos they have tremendously evolved features such as that enormous eye that seems like it can spot you at 360 degrees at all times and a body pattern that makes them almost invisible to our eyes, even up close. You may have already seen this video we posted...
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