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Posts Tagged "waves"

Harlequin Duck at Stratford Point

Posted on Nov 16, 2017

Harlequin Duck at Stratford Point

Today we were fortunate enough to host a drake Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) at Stratford Point as found by our friend Tom Murray. I took the below photo in the later afternoon during a brief moment when the sun came out from behind the clouds. These additional shots were taken earlier in the morning under those aforementioned clouds while the duck was feeding, swimming, preening, and loving those rocks as the species always does. Harlequin Ducks are a relatively rare visitor for us in Connecticut. If it is anything like the last drake Harlequin (could it be the same bird?) that...

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Purple Sandpiper

Posted on Nov 12, 2017

Purple Sandpiper

We had a couple of special visitors stop by Stratford Point last week. The first was Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History President Twan Leenders who happened to spot the second, a Purple Sandpiper sitting on the rocks taking in the waves. We always feel like we should see more of the species at the site, but they tend to be found more often on the rocks offshore on the breakwater or jetties at nearby beaches. After taking a couple of direct hits from waves it flew off to the breakwater. We appreciated them both stopping by! Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach...

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Remnants of Hurricane Patricia

Posted on Oct 28, 2015

Remnants of Hurricane Patricia

As the remnants of Hurricane Patricia passes over Western New York, high winds and rain are churning up Chautauqua Lake. This morning I quickly snapped off a few shots in between rain drops of this raft of American Coots riding the waves, hopefully they don’t get seasick! Elyse Henshaw Conservation Technician

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Crab Breakfast

Posted on Oct 9, 2015

Crab Breakfast

Did you have crab for breakfast today? I know someone who did…Harley the Harlequin Duck certainly knows fine dining. He also enjoys mussels that are easier to hold on to in that bill. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator

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Harlequin Duck

Posted on Oct 7, 2015

Harlequin Duck

Come on, this is getting ridiculous – Harley, our drake Harlequin Duck at Stratford Point, looks absolutely stupendous with his nearly completed beautiful blue plumage. The blue water really brings out his tones even more. Please stay with us for the winter, Harley! We think he will be off to find a hen, or at least some other members of his own species, once his molt is complete, but we have our fingers crossed that he has enjoyed his time with us and may consider sticking around. In all seriousness a bird like this is an inspirational one in that it brings in all sorts of non-birders...

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