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Posts Tagged "plants"

Don’t feed the deer

Posted on Nov 30, 2014

Don’t feed the deer

As tempting as it may be it is NOT healthy for the wild White-tailed Deer, or you, if they are fed by humans. I can recall some winter days as a child where hungry deer were laying in our backyard for prolonged periods. The winter season can be very difficult on these friendly mammals but it is not in their best interest, health or safety to start eating anything we put out whether it is for caring about an individual, an attempt to protect other plants, to supplement the population, or any other reason. The Maine governmental website has an extremely extensive and detailed list of why we...

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Winter Tree ID

Posted on Nov 2, 2014

Winter Tree ID

As autumn is winding down in Western New York, more leaves are on the ground rather than on the twigs of the trees from which they came. With no leaves, tree identification throughout the late fall and winter can be rather challenging. However, paying close attention to a tree’s bark can help identify it, as each species has its own unique bark as they do leaves. Take the tree pictured here for example. It has flaky, reddish bark in places making it look somewhat similar to a Black Cherry (Prunus serotina). But, there are several flat pieces with horizontal lines going across them as...

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Peak Week

Posted on Oct 24, 2014

Peak Week

Last week seemed to be the peak for fall foliage, with brilliant reds, yellows and oranges covering the landscape. However, there is still lots of fall color outside to see. So take a break and head for the great outdoors this weekend to enjoy the colors while you still can!

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Tis the season!

Posted on Oct 10, 2014

Tis the season!

Tis the season to be stunned by fall beauty…hope you get outside this weekend and enjoy it!

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Fall hawk walk at Trout Brook Valley

Posted on Sep 21, 2014

Fall hawk walk at Trout Brook Valley

On Saturday morning, September 20, I joined the Aspetuck Land Trust on a fall hawk walk with over 40 of their members and volunteers at the gorgeous Trout Brook Valley Preserve in Easton and Weston, Connecticut. This major 1,000+ acre conservation area permits passive recreation in the form of hiking, birding, biking, on-leash dog walking, photography and so forth. It is part of one of the largest contiguous areas of forest left in Fairfield County and is home to rare and important amphibians, plants, birds, mammals, reptiles, pollinators and more. Twan and I spent over a year creating a...

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